
JetSuite CEO Alex Wilcox on How Emerging Technology Will Affect Private Air Travel

Alex Wilcox dreams big. Not only has his company shaken up the charter industry with JetSuite and JetSuiteX—a service that lets travelers book individual seats on semi-private flights—but it has also signed on to...READ MORE

JetSuite CEO Alex Wilcox on How Emerging Technology Will Affect Private Air Travel2018-08-13T17:35:39+00:00

Zunum Aero CEO Ashish Kumar: All short-haul flights to zero emissions by 2040

Plane trips that take half the time, cost half as much and have minimal environmental impact. This is the dream of US based aircraft manufacturer Zunum Aero (Zunum is Mayan for hummingbird). Since 2013, the Boeing HorizonX and JetBlue Technology Ventures backed...READ MORE

Zunum Aero CEO Ashish Kumar: All short-haul flights to zero emissions by 20402018-07-12T17:55:58+00:00
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